Figure: J. Spanish

J. Spanish

Most of my intimates in France are girls, but this guy is an exception.

J is one of my partners for group project. He seldom attends class. In total, he shows up less than 3 hours I guess. And the schedule of this subject lasts 4 days, 30 hours.

Principles of Purchasing is the strictest subject I have this semester. The professor, Isabelle, requests effective and accurate solutions for negotiation between buyers and suppliers. Students suppose to read additional articles and find cases about purchasing circumstances as assignments. Every time I’m under a lot of pressure in class.

On presentation day, every student was compulsory to attend class till the end of all group presentations. It were the first time and the only time that I talked with J in the classroom. We did a case study and an article reading in the morning and afterward reported each group project. Since then, I’ve spent time with him from 0 to 10 hours. We chatted with each other for whole day long, including lunch time and every break between the classes.

You don’t know the music that I’ve listened to. Few people know them.

I asked him what kind of music he like. Suddenly, we found how resembling our life experiences are. We have listened to similar songs and musicians at home. We showed our real homes on the street view of google map. And both of us had chipped front teeth due to falling down on bikes. I was so excited to find someone like me, as Columbus discovered America.

Surprisingly, Isabelle complimented us as one of greatest project teams on that day. Well, we have the least group members and we never succeed to have a group meeting before the presentation. You can imagine how inspiring it is!

Rennes School of Business

Most of my real friends are Spanish.

“Real friends mean those who will get along with me after school,” J said.

Here is the strangest thing. ESC Rennes establishes the most international learning environment, but enrolls the most intolerant students; for instance, my classmates might come from more than 20 countries in a 40-student class, but everyone only makes friends with those who met in the beginning of the semester. All student seems to try to build a new comfort zone during exchange. And they stop to expand social networks after knowing a group of people.

Last semester I thought there was something wrong with me probably. Studying in an international business school, but I have few foreign close friends. However, now everything is getting better. I’m so glad to stay for two terms. Time will lead you into an unexpected and amazing journey.

I realize that it is never anyone’s fault resulting in closed social communities. J and I are exchange students staying for one year, but we haven’t met and known each other well until now. The truly great things are always worth waiting for.

By the way, I had the class called B2B Marketing last semester. The instructor is Philips Bloom, famous for his rigorous lessons in ESC Rennes. (He has a sense of humor sometime.) Anyway, the point is that our group is also the best team among all presentations!


採購原則(Principles of Purchasing)是本學期最可怕的科目,上課壓力大,每堂都必須課後閱讀和分享案例,教授嚴謹地要求準確有效的協商方案,總共四天三十小時的課綱,J鮮少出現在課堂,參與時數不足三小時,而他正是我團體報告的組員之一。



對了,第一學期的魔王課是工業行銷(Business to Business Marketing),而我的組別也是教授稱讚最棒的。

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