Figure: B. Australian

B. Australian

That night there were no one else except he and I in the six bed mixed room. Smiling with bright teeth, this guy took the lead in starting a conversation.


With the strange smile on his face, B kept saying he had a disorder that made him giggle in that way. And he said he’s less than a hundred and fifty centimeters tall. Sounds weird, isn’t it! He finally told me the whole was just a joke.

You are different.

B knows lots of Taiwanese in Australia. Most of them usually travel with a group of people. And in general, they are shy. They are careful about words. On the contrary, I am probably the first taiwanese traveling solo he had ever met. Every word jumps through my mouth easily. It seems I don’t even think of them.

Well, because you haven’t met my friends yet. That is a learning process.

I was one of them. It is not like talking in our mother tongue. Though English is the most popular second language for Taiwanese, it still takes time to learn how to express ourselves well.

On the other hand, I found something interesting about language exercises. People will show different parts of character when utilizing another language. My friends said I look like an American hipster when I’m speaking English. The other side of me is much shyer and milder within use of Mandarin. Then both of us couldn’t resist bursting into laughter after my words. 😀

B is a super witty guy. He just finished his trip across South America and flew to Europe. Before starting master studies in Spain, he plan to work in Amsterdam and keep step with traveling for further few months. Even though he don’t find a job yet, he said he can do everything, maybe bartender. You know he was working in business consultancy before.

Come and find me if you need. Stay as long as you want.

B is such a person living a life full of uncertainty. I know I need not worry about this guy. He gonna make friends everywhere and everyone would love to spend time with him. You never know what will happen if you get along with him. Crazy, amusing, marvelous. Beyond description.





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